
Last act...Last scene

Lady : I think its going to rain today…..

Gentle man : how do you know..?

Lady : The sky…

Gentle man : The sky…?

Lady : uhuh…

Gentle man: those are drifting clouds mah lady… they wouldn’t pour here….

Lady : but see how the sky looks…. hefty and so full of itself…just the way it does before
It rains…..

Gentleman : drifting clouds Marie…deceitful drifting fellas….

Lady : deception is a tool more handy to man….than to nature…

Gentleman : man is what he is at nature’s behest…

Lady : That’s an excuse more than an explanation….

Gentleman : it ain’t

Lady : it is…. It is cynicism

Gentleman : big words!… quite capture the imagination…don’t they…

Lady : big words when used correctly…quite capture the imagination…my dear

Gentleman : so you know all about words and their meaning

Lady : I know what I know…and I hope to know more…

Gentleman : if you know all then why do you leave things to hope?

Lady : I have no liaisons with hope… it ain’t a mortal counterpart you see..

Gentleman : then what is it…?… a convenient escape route?

Lady : it something as opposed to knowing….higher than believing and weaker than
Desiring…..yet sometimes knowing and hoping become the same…

Gentleman : Dramatic Romanticism….

Lady : No I ain’t romanticising, I am just hoping that It rains today…..and I know
That it will…..


I have sworn that I will not write long blogs again… and I think it is wise on my part to swear so…

Reema bhattacharya: At age 26 you will die from wounds delivered by a blender after trying to make your sixteenth magarita of the day. (And it's on 3:00pm, shame on you!) I found it funny…do u too?