The sea had always made me sullen. i always think this is what oblivion would look like.
i once told a friend, "dip a message or a finger and it would be lost forever". i told M, i am fascinated by her loving. she loves like a fortress, and i sailed to one such in the middle of the sea that holiday. they said it was the only one which could not be taken in, that it always defended its contents..
thought of M so much that day... it was the only thing that kept me from all the salt, brine and sullenness...
and as we drove into that sunset, in a car with a bunch of strangers, i imagined that there was love where the roads led inward and made circles around a reckonning of 'being in love'. that it wasnt puzzling or complex.. but slow jazz


little boxes said…
how do you manage to do this each time?
you almost seemed to have breathed life into prosaic words
Akash Verma said…
reema said…
@lil boxes: honestly, i had to look up to find what prosaic meant..i ws quite captured with it meaning.. nd i realised, thats what i do to life which is mostly prosaic too.

@akash: why?
Akash Verma said…
..because i wanted to analyze it...comment on it...pick something out and elaborate on it to something.........and then i realized tat i couldnt. I just couldnt! It was that enigmatic.

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